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Danish Ukrainian NGO conference

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Tirsdag d. 8. oktober 2024 kl. 17:00 til 21:00


Mandag d. 7. oktober 2024 kl. 23:55


Ukraine House in Denmark, Gammel Dok, Strandgade 27B, 1401 København Ukraine House in Denmark
Gammel Dok, Strandgade 27B
1401 København

Danish Ukrainian NGO conference


The conference is organized by The Danish Helsinki Committee and CISU in cooperation with Ukraine House in Denmark


 17:00-17:10   Kateryna Stukalova, curator of visual culture and contemporary art projects in The Ukraine House in Denmark: Welcome on behalf of The Ukraine House

17:10-17:20   Asbjørn Storgaard, chairperson of The Danish Helsinki Committee for Human Rights and Jacob Thorsen, advisor, CISU: Welcome on behalf of the organizers.

17:20-17:50   Oksana Kuiantseva, Kyiv, board member in East-SOS and partner in the project: Ukrainian civil society in times of war - challenges and opportunities

17:50:18:20   Albina Filatova, Kharkiv, project manager in Relief Coordination Center: The work of the Relief Coordination Center in 2023-2024 and the humanitarian situation in Khakriv.

18:20-18:40   Break. Coffee and tea.

18:40-19:10   Oksana Cherviakova, Zolotonosha NGO Youth Development Center, Zolotonosha, Cherkasy oblast: From Idea to Action: Youth Center as a Platform for Youth Participation in Community Life.

19:10-19:40   Beatrix Rosalia Schrøder Møller, research intern, CISU: The role of civil society in Denmark.

19:40-20:00   Jacob Thorsen, advisor, CISU: CISU’s activities in the Eastern Neighborhood Countries, The Neighborhood Fund.

20:00-21:00   Afterglow and networking. A glass of wine and light snacks will be served.


The conference, the visit to Denmark and the project as a whole is supported economically by The New Democracy Fund.


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Den Danske Helsinki-Komité
Tlf: +45 33918118

Kontaktinformation til arrangør

Den Danske Helsinki-Komité
Tlf: +45 33918118